Hair loss is a common problem in men and women. When a hair follicle dies out, like any other cell, the hair falls off with regular activity such as combing, washing of the hair etc. Losing about 50 strands of hair per day is considered normal given that the hair health is good. Losing more than 100 strands of hair per day can be classified as hair loss and needs clinical treatment. Apart from Hair loss, some people may have Alopecia. This needs medical attention and best treatment for alopecia areata can be seeked from an Hair expert or a dermatologist.
What is Alopecia Areata?
Alopecia Areata is a medical term that refers to severe cases of patterned hair loss in men and women. Alopecia is a condition where a person experiences hair loss in balding patterns across the head and the body. This happens when the auto-immune system of the body malfunctions and attacks its own hair follicles causing the hair to lose out. It can also happen to those who have genetic influence where one or more people in the family has Alopecia Areata.

Alopecia can make it quite difficult to have normal hair because of varied hair loss patterns on the head. It can also appear on body hair. It becomes very difficult to have a normal hairstyle or hairdo for those who have advanced alopecia and have very noticeable bald spots all over their heads, often forcing them to retort to complete shaving off of the hair or using caps and shawls to cover their head.
Treatment for Alopecia Areata.
Treating Alopecia is quite challenging as there are no 100% cure or treatment for this condition. Some people respond to some medicines and treatments but it can vary from person to person based on their condition. Natural and dermatological methods can help with treating alopecia. Below are some of the best treatment for Alopecia Areata:
Natural methods:
Acupuncture is a natural treatment and must be performed by a trained expert. Acupuncture involves needles with which the scalp is punctured so as to trigger the growth of new hair follicles. These new hair follicles can produce new hair and cover the hair loss area.
Nutrient supplements.
Zinc and Biotin supplements can be extremely useful in treating Alopecia. Zinc and Biotin deficiency causes extreme hair loss. Zinc and Biotin control the oil glands which inhibit the growth of new hair. The vital nutrients can help in new hair growth as well as controlling hair loss.
Oil massage.
Oil massage to the area can stimulate the follicles and help improve the hair growth naturally. Oils such as coconut, jojoba, castor and tea tree oil can prove useful. Onion juice when applied to affected areas can also help in stimulating the hair follicles and produce new hair.
Good diet.
Good diet must include lots of protein, nutrients such as Vitamins and minerals often not found in junk food or processed food. Include foods like spinach and seafood as they boost the Omega intake and help in growing hair naturally.
Dermatological methods:
Intralesional corticosteroid injections.
Intralesional injections are filled with corticosteroids, a powerful hair growth agent. These are administered on the bald spots and can help in regrowth of hair in the area. This is very effective treatment for people with mild alopecia. They can be injected whenever the spots show up in future as well. They are a very effective and safe method for hair regrowth.
Topical medicines.
There are many prominent drugs and OTC products that can help in hair regrowth such as Minoxidil and Rogaine. Minoxidil is the most common drug that is prescribed for both men and women and has proven effect on hair loss due to alopecia. Some immunosuppressants can also be used such as Anthralin and Clobetasol. Anthralin ointments are widely used for alopecia and psoriasis that inhibit the growth of balding cells.
Oral corticosteroids.
Oral Corticosteroids are administered in extensive Alopecia cases. This needs to be done by a dermatologist after careful evaluation of the issue. Drugs such as Alopecia Totalis and Alopecia Universalis can help in controlling the balding disease. These drugs do have side effects and those with high pressure and weak immunity may not be recommended to use these drugs.
LLLT (Low-intensity laser light therapy).
This a classic technique used by hair experts with the help of low intensity red laser light on target areas. The light triggers the formation of new hair follicles that can grow hair naturally. This is a very effective technique and has a good effect on severe cases of Alopecia.