Our bodies are designed to maintain good posture. The spinal cord is aligned with the body to balance the neck, shoulders, spine, and lower back. Unfortunately, our work and leisure activities can contribute to bad posture. Desk jobs have us slouching over our computers all day long, causing strain on our back. Over time, this causes pain and imbalance in our posture. Other factors contributing to poor posture are stress, obesity, weak and tight muscles, and even the type of footwear you choose.
There are various postural issues that can benefit from chiropractic treatment. The treatment can help lower and mid-back issues, hunch back, forward head posture, uneven hips, and scoliosis. A professional chiropractor like Chiro-Med will get to the root cause of your bad posture, restoring balance and function.
Together with your chiropractor, you can correct the problems and learn how to maintain a healthy back and spine. Over time, you get all the benefits of a proper posture. Working towards a neutral spine is the ultimate goal. Maintaining balance from your neck, through your shoulders, and down to your lower body will keep you healthy and pain-free for years to come.

Here’s how a chiropractor helps with posture.
Health Assessment and History.
When you visit a chiropractor, they don’t just jump in and start cracking your back. It’s important to understand what is going on. That’s why they ask a series of questions to get an idea of your lifestyle and any health conditions. They may also ask about your work, exercise routine, medical history, and any pain you are experiencing.
The questions are, so they can ascertain how poor posture may have developed and how to correct it. Understanding the whole picture will aid them in putting together a treatment plan specifically for you and your condition. Their goal is to fix any issues you have, so this is always the first step in your path towards better posture.
After asking questions and understanding your history, they will give you a thorough examination of your posture. This is essential for your chiropractor to determine where the issues originate from and how best to treat them.
They will have you stand up and sit to observe the position of your neck and shoulders. The chiropractor will pay attention to any twists in your pelvis and back and other symmetry issues. You may also lie on your back so they can see how your legs align. You could also have X-rays done to see a more in-depth look at your bones and joints. When they can see what is wrong, they can get started fixing it.
Make Adjustments.
This is the part most people think of when going to a chiropractor. It can be a little scary the first time you adjust, but there is nothing to worry about. There will be cracking and popping sounds. However, these are not bones breaking.
It’s a release of stress from your bones and muscles, causing minimal discomfort. The movements and positions you are put in may seem strange, but they are safe and gentle. Most people feel relief from pain and have improved flexibility right away.
Your chiropractor will adjust your neck, shoulders, and spine to increase movement and reduce tension in the surrounding muscles. They may use specialist techniques, especially if you see a ring dinger chiropractic who can relive the pain with the use of this new equipment. Opening up your spine can reduce pressure on the discs and nerves running around them also. Over time, you will gain flexibility and lessen pain while improving your posture to its optimal position.
Soft Tissue Therapy.
The next part involves working with the muscles to increase their strength to support the joints and bones. Bad posture can weaken or injure muscles while other ones tighten up, pulling your spine and shoulders out of alignment. With muscle release exercises to strengthen and correct the imbalances, you will gain more function and less pain.
This type of rehabilitation may include massage, acupuncture, and physiotherapy as well as electric modalities. The goal is to allow the soft tissues to get stronger so they can support your posture when sitting, standing, or even sleeping.
Stretching Exercises.
Once you have your treatment, you may feel a little beat up. At the same time, your body will be more open and free. You will need regular visits to the chiropractor to correct posture issues. This will take time, but there is much you can do outside the medical office.
Chiropractors love to give homework. They don’t send you home with a prescription for pills; they want your body to heal itself with your help. Your doctor will provide you with a stretching and exercise program, designed to correct your specific problems. This will improve your flexibility and build strength while reducing tension in your neck, shoulders, spine, and back. It will also include giving your overactive muscles some much-needed rest.