There are many things that can factor into having poor credit. It doesn’t mean that you handled your money improperly. While many people with bad credit made bad decisions with credit cards and loans, some…
Credit repair companies are an excellent resource for those of us with a questionable credit history. Bad credit scores can make life much more difficult than is necessary. Young people often make several financial mistakes…
Everyone has a dream job of some kind. While some people dream of running their own business others dream of working for certain companies. Maybe you what a career with a prestigious law firm, or…
Did you know that for some companies and some HR managers the cover letter is, in fact, more important than your CV? Your CV is often just a dry piece of text about what you…
Whether you make an entire career of working online such as by having an e-Commerce site or a blog, or you simply do online work as a means to earn extra money in addition to…
If you are like most people, you’ve probably thought about retirement once or twice. It’s definitely crossed your mind but never so much so, that you actually decided to do anything about it. Well, now’s…
Becoming more persuasive online is a challenging and interesting pursuit, because often the people you are trying to persuade this way and that are very different from one another. This brings up all sorts of…
Have you recently lost your job? Are you wondering how to effectively manage the financial expenses of your family? Losing a job can not only ruin the career but will also affect the relationships and…
Certifications show the outside world that you’re willing to jump through the hoops of officialdom in order to show that you have a standardized level of understanding regarding a specific topic. You don’t have to…
Saying goodbye to corporate America to run a home-based business sounds ideal – and why wouldn’t it? The thought of no longer having a boss breathing down your neck, no redundant meetings to attend, and…
From cheating spouses to hard criminal cases, the private investigator has been the stuff of crime fiction and drama alike. But could they also be applicable to your personal life? Most people may never find…
The struggle is real. One of the biggest complaints college students have is this: Every course they take is at least 30% a writing course. This is of course particularly hard for students who are…