10 Ways You Might Be Damaging Your Car Without Knowing

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It is impossible to imagine how life would be without vehicles, even though they are one of the most dangerous means of transport. The risk of accidents is high because some car owners drive faulty cars without knowing.

Many drivers do not take the time to inspect their cars or evaluate their driving habits. Over time, one or two bad habits can creep in without them knowing. Consequently, these habits strain the vehicle and cause damage, making it unsafe for the road.


This article will discuss ten common driving habits that might damage a vehicle. Drivers who avoid these habits will keep their cars safe and not spend too much on repairs.

Ignoring Strange Noises.

The cost of owning a car has increased significantly in the past years. This has led to many car owners straining to maintain their vehicles. As a result, they put off car repairs as much as possible, even if they notice signs of damage, such as strange noises. However, squeaking and grinding noises are often distress signals of existing or impending damage.

When car owners notice such noises, the best solution is to take their vehicle to keith schulz garage. This auto diagnostic center provides car owners with comprehensive inspection auto repair services. Failing to seek repair services could cause extensive damage to the car and increase the risk of accidents.

Dragging the Brakes.

The one braking rule that drivers should know and follow is to apply the brakes slowly and steadily. It is not uncommon to find drivers applying pressure on their brakes for an extended duration, especially when driving down a hill.

Lengthy brake applications can strain the discs and pads, eventually causing them to wear out quickly. The best way to avoid this is to use a low gear when driving down a slope and apply brakes to reduce pressure on the brake pads. Drivers should also lift their foot from the brake entirely when not in use to allow it to cool.

Potholes and Speed Bumps.

Whenever a driver sees a pothole or a speed bump, they should slow down to reduce the impact of hitting the hole. If the driver does not step on the brake pedal, they will experience a high impact, which will strain their steering, suspension, and alignment.

That’s why drivers are urged to be alert and constantly watch the road. If possible, they should also avoid rough roads with potholes or rocks. That way, their vehicles will stay in better shape for longer.

Carrying Too Much Weight.

Drivers need to find out the maximum capacity of their vehicles. This will help them avoid overloading the car. Note that carrying too much load can strain the brake and suspension components, causing them to wear out faster.

Even if the car has not reached the payload capacity, it is best to remove unwanted weight. This will help reduce fuel consumption and improve handling on the road.

Ignoring the Warning Lights.

Most drivers usually drive a new car for a couple of years without any issues. However, after some time, due to wear and tear, the car might start to develop significant problems that need extensive repairs. When this happens, the vehicle communicates by showing warning lights.

That is why when a driver sees warning lights on their dashboard, they need to get their manual to determine the problem. If the driver can fix the issue, they should do it immediately. If not, they should consult with a seasoned mechanic for timely intervention.

Not Changing Tires.

New tires have their peaks; they offer the vehicle maximum traction for braking and accelerating. Additionally, they help to keep a grip on the curves in the road. However, old tires have fewer treads and less grip.

Drivers must regularly inspect the condition of their wheels, especially if they plan to drive a long distance or in muddy or snowy areas. If they notice the tires are worn out, they should consider replacing them to improve traction and stability on the road.

Keeping the Tank Low.

Gas is expensive, which explains why some motorists fuel a few gallons every time and refuel as the gas gets low. They fail to understand that low gas causes the oil pump to heat up and increases friction between the engine parts.

If possible, drivers should fill up the gas tank, since this might help to keep the fuel pump cool and effective. It also ensures car owners do not get stranded on the side of the road after running out of gas.

Speedy Gear Change.

When using an automatic car, it is best to slow down or stop when changing gears. But many drivers skip this step and choose to change gears when they are still rolling at high speeds.

Changing gears while the engine runs at a high RPM could damage the transmission system. Only manual cars are designed to shift gears when the vehicle is driving at a high speed.

Outside Parking.

Some car owners park their vehicles outside all night, even during harsh weather. When this happens, the condition of the car’s paintwork will start deteriorating. So this will force the owner to do paintwork every few months or years, which can be expensive.

A solution to this is to park in a garage, since this protects the vehicle from damage outside. Those without a garage should consider applying wax on their cars and using a cover for protection.

Not Maintaining It.

All cars require inspections and maintenance to stay in perfect working condition. A reliable mechanic can inspect the vehicle and run diagnostic tests to ensure everything works as needed. If any part is damaged or worn out, they will replace it.

Failing to service a car means that the engine and other components will not work efficiently. Additionally, some issues will not be identified and fixed on time. This could worsen the situation and lead to costly repairs down the line.

Even experienced drivers can have bad driving habits. These habits can cause excessive wear in their vehicles. If these behaviors sound familiar, it is time to change those bad habits and enjoy smooth rides.

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